Start E-mail Archive Client by using the appropriate link on the desktop. The window Connect to E-mail Archive appears.

Into Server Name, enter the hostname or IP address of the computer on which Visible-Archive is installed. Be aware, that the pre-filled entry localhost only works if the E-mail Archive Client is run from the same machine where Visible-Archive is installed. Click OK to connect to Visible-Archive.
Hint: Did you activate the option Always connect to this server and you want to change the destination server later? Hold the Shift-key pressed while opening E-mail Archive Client.
After establishing the connection to Visible-Archive, E-mail Archive Client checks if newer a version of its own program files is available for downloading and, if necessary, updates these automatically.
The login window appears.

Enter the email address and password of a Visible-Archive administrator (admin) or a normal Visible-Archive user into the User Name and Password fields and click OK. You may be asked to trust the Visible-Archive; click OK here.
Important notice: As long as you have not changed the default administrator password (admin), you will not be able to login from any other machine with the username admin.