Creating a password from within the mobile app is fast and easy!
When you launch the app, you start off on your favorite organization page, where you will see any organizations that you may have favorited from the web app. Go to the organization where you have your existing passwords. Typically, you only have one organization to choose from.
At the bottom of the next screen is a Create Password button. Tap on this to create a new password.
The options are:
- Description: Enter a descriptive name for the credentials, usually includes the name of the specific application or account you will be accessing with the credentials.
- Category: Choose a relevant password category.
- Username: Type in the username. You can also paste from the clipboard.
- Password: Type or paste the password.
- URL: Type or paste the full URL. Be sure to include http(s):// or www at the beginning of the URL. Otherwise, the link will not be clickable.
- Notes: Enter any notes about the password.
After you fill in the fields, tap the Save button. The list will now be updated to reflect the password you just created.

Keep in mind that the mobile app does not have the permissions feature implemented currently. Any passwords created from within the mobile app can be accessed by anyone in MyGlue with access to the organization the password is created in. Please use the web app to change the permissions.