The passwords you create in MyGlue are not shared with your IT service provider by default. If you want to share a password, you will need to follow the steps below.
For some situations, it’s useful to share your passwords with your IT service provider. For example, you subscribe to an online service and later decide your IT service provider should manage the account.
Before you begin
You must have permission to access the password you want to share.
It is a good practice to share the password only when you are ready to publish it externally; that is, wait to share the password until it has been communicated to your IT service provider.
Sharing passwords
When you’re ready to share a password, it's a simple change to make that happen.
- Open the password you want to set permissions on and click Edit (top right).
- Scroll down to the Security section.
- Choose Specific users and/or groups can access this Password.
- Under the IT Glue Groups drop down, check the relevant boxes so that the desired groups are selected.
- Click Save.
After you make this change, the password is immediately shared.
Because of the nature of sharing permissions, if a shared password is ever deleted, it will automatically be removed from every person it was shared to. If you've already shared the asset with other people, make sure you want to delete the shared asset before doing so.