Fluid Client Assistance

Office365 Multi-Factor (MFA) Setup

by Damian Stalls Updated on

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MFA / 2FA is a modern security application used to ensure that only you have access to your business email and other systems. You may already be aware of MFA / 2FA as many financial institutions and other platforms already use it to protect your accounts with them.

Older versions of iOS (iPhone/ iPad) and many Android devices do not support MFA / 2FA and will stop syncing as soon as MFA is enabled.  

These applications and devices may require an “App Password” as they are not compatible with MFA/2FA. In addition you would not want to have to a code to login each time you use them. As soon as you setup MFA/2FA you will be provided with an “App Password” (Do not store, save or write down unless you use a secured application to store these). You will want to use the App Password the next time your iPhone, Android, etc. prompts you for a password, which should occur in a few minutes after setup. If you close or lose that information do not worry, you can simply create a new App Password and you can have as many as you want.


2. Login to Microsoft 365 using your business credentials

3. Select "I want to setup a different method"

4. Select "Phone", then click [Confirm]

5. Enter your cell phone number followed by [Next]

6. You will receive a text message on your cell phone, enter the 6-digit code in the space provided, then click [Next]

7. On the confirmation screen click [Next]

8. Click [Done]

9. You will now see your phone added to the Security info page.  You are now ready for MFA!

MFA will typically be required the first time you sign into MS Outlook. OneDrive or other application.  MFA will generally be required anytime you are signing in to any Office web app.

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