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MFA / 2FA is a modern security application used to ensure that only you have access to your business email and other systems. You may already be aware of MFA / 2FA as many financial institutions and other platforms already use it to protect your accounts with them.
Older versions of iOS (iPhone/ iPad) and many Android devices do not support MFA / 2FA and will stop syncing as soon as MFA is enabled.
These applications and devices may require an “App Password” as they are not compatible with MFA/2FA. In addition you would not want to have to a code to login each time you use them. As soon as you setup MFA/2FA you will be provided with an “App Password” (Do not store, save or write down unless you use a secured application to store these). You will want to use the App Password the next time your iPhone, Android, etc. prompts you for a password, which should occur in a few minutes after setup. If you close or lose that information do not worry, you can simply create a new App Password and you can have as many as you want.